

At Recovery and Wellness Professional Services, we offer comprehensive evaluations of our clients. To begin, our 12-page intake form will need to be completed. Once completed, the initial assessment meeting will be 1.5 to 2 hours as we review the intake form together. We then begin to form a comprehensive understanding of the client’s issues. After the initial assessment meeting, we will write up our recommendations regarding the client’s needs. This is extremely useful as it will be necessary for insurance coverage should the client benefit from going to treatment or any higher level of care. Insurance companies typically require an evaluation from the referring clinician. We will also gather all information from previous treatment experiences from the client and/or their family, if applicable.
The review of all this information allows us to then discuss a treatment plan with the client (and their family, if involved). All together, this is typically about a 5-hour process. This allows us the necessary amount of time to review, evaluate, and understand our client’s challenges and formulate appropriate questions and next steps.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about the assessment/evaluation process.